Faites évoluer vos réunions et événements virtuels avec Kollective
pour les événements Microsoft Teams Live et Town Hall
Deliver Microsoft Teams Live Events and
Town Halls to your entire hybrid workforce
Hybrid work environments make effective video communications more critical than ever. Employees streaming live video across dispersed locations strain corporate networks and crush productivity. Kollective's smartECDN for Microsoft Teams transforms enterprise video collaboration by observing user experiences, diagnosing network challenges and optimizing content delivery.
Start Delivering Flawless Teams Live Events and Town Halls Today
Pourquoi Kollective ?
Kollective smartECDN for Microsoft 365 Video helps you leverage your M365 investment by accelerating Teams video adoption. A Microsoft Top Tier Partner and available on the Azure Marketplace, Kollective is trusted by hundreds of Global 2,000 organizations to scale video distribution within the enterprise, driving greater inclusivity and engagement for every employee in any location.
Kollective pour Microsoft Teams
Kollective enables you to reach every employee with high-quality Teams virtual meetings and events. Our technology supports Teams Live Events and Town Halls giving you the freedom to choose the best tool for the task.
Événements en direct Teams
Teams Live Events have pioneered and powered large-scale corporate events for over four years, and Kollective's native integration has been alongside every step of the evolution of enterprise video collaboration. Whether using Teams Live Events today, transitioning to Town Halls or a mix of both, Kollective has all your Teams live video needs covered.
Teams Town Halls
Kollective Technology is proud to announce our Town Hall integration. ECDNs are essential to ensure live events and large-scale broadcasts within enterprises run smoothly and efficiently. Kollective is readily available to assist as you begin using Town hall, migrate off Live Events or have questions for our experts on the best fit for your organization.
See More, Seize More
Kollective's Video Collaboration Observability empowers enterprises to understand and enhance user experiences through intelligent diagnostics and predictive analytics, ensuring swift responses to user needs.
Available on Microsoft Azure Marketplace
Get Kollective From the Azure Marketplace
- Transacting is simple, secure and instant
- Retire MACC (Microsoft Azure Consumption Commitment)
- Maximize your Microsoft 365 investment
Kollective For Microsoft Teams Resources
Learn more and engage with the Microsoft community
Foire aux questions
Veuillez consulter cette FAQ pour obtenir des réponses à certaines des questions les plus courantes concernant l'ECDN de Kollective pour les événements en direct Microsoft 365
- Créez un compte en utilisant votre identifiant M365.
- Sélectionnez Teams ou Stream pour votre intégration.
- Renseignez votre jeton M365
- Configure your setup
- Commencez à faire évoluer vos événements en direct.
- Suis-je prêt(e) à passer au peering ? : Effectuez quelques brèves vérifications dans votre navigateur pour valider la possibilité de passer au peering basé sur navigateur
- Test rapide du réseau : configurez facilement et testez rapidement le peering sur votre réseau
- Network Readiness Test : collecte et rapporte des données réseau précises qui fourniront des informations convaincantes sur les tests préalables aux événements
- Basé sur navigateur : contournez le Grand Pare-feu en passant par un réseau étendu (WAN)
- Basé sur agent : traversez le Grand Pare-feu
- EdgeCache : le peering peut être amélioré en ajoutant EdgeCache comme source de contenu interne
Powering The Future of Video Collaboration
With Kollective for Microsoft Teams, organizations reach every user at any location, avoid costly event failures and deliver flawless video content
Get In Touch
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