With 270 million monthly active users, usage of Microsoft Teams and its live video capabilities has risen dramatically in the past two years. While return to office movements have made in-person meetings more frequent,
The pandemic forced businesses and employees to adopt the virtual workplace overnight. Remote work quickly became the standard, leaving little time to prepare employees for this new way of working. Many employees realized the benefits
The adoption of hybrid workplaces has forced leaders to “rethink” everyday business activities. Before the pandemic, meetings were planned and structured well in advance. Microsoft found that weekly meeting time for Teams users has more
Organizations all over the worldwere faced with an unprecedented challenge after COVID-19 forced nearlytwo-thirds of employees to work remotely. Without much warning, employers had to find a way to
Leading aCommunications équipe au sein d'une entreprise signifie que vous travaillez de manière transversale avec plusieurs services,y compris the IT team. Bien que vos objectifs puissent être différents, en matière de communication d'entreprise, vous
Si vous avez passé un peu de temps watching or participating in a live event over the last year, il y a de fortes chances que vous ayez remarquéa différence dans the level of engagement between events with clear video
Si vous souhaitez diffuser des vidéos en direct à tout vos employés, mais que vous ne voulez pas investir dans l'achat de matériel,download software ou acheter de la bande passante supplémentaire,vous avez besoin de Peering Kollective basé sur navigateur. Notre diffusion de contenu d'entreprise